Posts with the tag Comedy.

Displaying results 81-90 of 97.

Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Stand-up comic Darryl Lenox

Posted by: Paul Little  •  April 5, 2011 @ 7:15pm

If you frequent your local comedy club, you've probably seen Darryl Lenox perform live, as he's been making the rounds across the United States and Canada for years. He's established himself as an insightful, ambitious, and hardworking comic, and while you have to keep your brain turned on to really enjoy his sets, it's most definitely worth it.

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Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Stand-up comic and actor Sam Easton of "Incongruous"

Posted by: Paul Little  •  April 5, 2011 @ 3:58pm

Sam Easton may be a familiar face to you, whether you've stepped inside a comedy club across Canada, turned on your TV set, or visited your local multiplex over the last few years.

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Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Kevin McDonald of Kids in the Hall

Posted by: Paul Little  •  April 5, 2011 @ 12:28am

Montreal-born Kevin McDonald founded the sketch comedy troupe The Kids in the Hall in the mid-80s with Dave Foley, whom he met while training at the iconic Second City in Toronto.

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Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Comedian, actor, and all-around entertaining performer Chris Gibbs

Posted by: Paul Little  •  April 3, 2011 @ 2:07pm

The 2011 Winnipeg Comedy Festival began this past Friday, April 1st for the start of its 10-day run of mostly stand-up comedy (with a little bit of sketch, improv, and theatre) throughout the city of Winnipeg.

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Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Opinionated and controversial (to some) stand-up comedian Darren Frost

Posted by: Paul Little  •  March 25, 2011 @ 3:45am

When one is labelled controversial, it will usually bring with it a lot of attention. But while comic Darren Frost has frequently been given the moniker of "Canada's Most Controversial Comedian", he feels his reputation as an opinionated presence on stage has probably done more harm than good to his bottom line.

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Interview: Conan graphic designer (and occasional on-screen performer) Pierre Bernard

Posted by: Paul Little  •  March 7, 2011 @ 6:38pm

Getting into graphic design -- originally comic book lettering, and later television design -- Pierre Bernard had no aspirations to be a television performer. But a few years after starting at Late Night with Conan O'Brien in the early 90s, he made a random appearance on the show sparked by a design of his on a "New State Quarters" sketch, which was a huge hit.

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Interview: Stand-up comic Shane Mauss talks about passports, time travel, and his beginnings in comedy

Posted by: Paul Little  •  February 11, 2011 @ 8:38am

Shane Mauss is a stand-up comedian originally from Wisconsin, who moved to Boston to get started in comedy, and recently re-located to Austin, Texas.

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Book Review: "Zombie Spaceship Wasteland" by Patton Oswalt

Posted by: Aaron Graham  •  January 22, 2011 @ 1:55am

Thanks to ceaseless reruns, it's likely that the majority of this country's population is most familiar with Patton Oswalt via his past sitcom regularity as Spence on The King of Queens.

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Amplified Idiots: The Interrogative Comic

Posted by: J.D. Renaud  •  January 6, 2011 @ 3:35pm

Have you ever read the book 'The Interrogative Mood' by Padgett Powell? Would you be interested to read it if I told you that the book's main claim to fame is that every single sentence in it is a question? Would you believe me if I told you that it is really quite

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Amplified Idiots: How To Stop Enjoying Open Mic Comedy Before It's Too Late

Posted by: J.D. Renaud  •  December 16, 2010 @ 2:19pm

I mark every show I play on my calendar. The year is not yet over, but I counted this year's total the other day out of curiosity. Fear not though, loyal reader. I will not pester you with the details of my public displays of mediocrity. Saying the number here would only be masturbatory on my part. Not only that, but the worst kind of masturbatory.

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