Glee: Dynamic Duets

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  November 24, 2012 @ 7:29am

Okay, so after criticizing how immature this season's new love triangle was, Glee must've heard me because they stepped up their game with a couple of surprise twists to make this triangle much more interesting. All that trouble that Ryder was having in his classes? Turns out he's dyslexic.

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Interview: Rise of the Guardians co-star Dakota Goyo

Posted by: Mark McLeod  •  November 20, 2012 @ 10:43am

At only thirteen years of age, Toronto-born Dakota Goyo has already worked with the likes of Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, and director Darren Aranofsky. Not bad for someone barely a teenager.

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Glee: Glease

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  November 18, 2012 @ 5:32pm

Were you like me and found it a little odd that this episode wasn't so much the New Directions staging the musical Grease, but more them paying homage to the 1978 movie Grease? I'm a fan of the movie too, but I would have liked to have seen some creativity instead of everyone just performing scenes shot for shot straight out of the m

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Flashpoint: Lawmen

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  November 17, 2012 @ 5:58pm

"Do not think you are off the hook."

There were two god awful all too familiar stories that were present in "Lawmen," that have been way overused in the genre of the police drama. The first story was that of the renegade police officer, that was willing to be the bad guy in order to punish the criminals.

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The Guardians rise in Vancouver

Posted by: Mark McLeod  •  November 16, 2012 @ 12:37pm

This past Friday (November 9, 2012) families in Vancouver, BC were given the chance to experience DreamWorks Animations' Rise of the Guardians first hand, as award-winning comedian and impressionist Patrick Maliha visited Chapters at Metropolis at Metrotown to read the movie novelization.

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The Vampire Diaries: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  November 15, 2012 @ 9:57pm

In the wake of Connor Jordan's death, Elena has taken a turn for the worst.

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Fringe: Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  November 15, 2012 @ 1:25am

Like many viewers that saw last week's Fringe episode I was curious what was to come of Peter after he put Observer tech in his body.

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Supernatural: A Little Slice of Kevin

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  November 14, 2012 @ 9:55pm

Castiel is back but which one did Sam and Dean get: the madman or the megalomaniac?

When people begin to vanish at the same time as natural disasters, the Winchesters have a case yet something is off.

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Glee: The Role You Were Born To Play

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  November 11, 2012 @ 9:03am

After weeks of baseball playoffs and Presidential elections, Glee is finally back. I almost forgot where we left off. Everyone broke up, remember? Well as it turned out Will and Emma are still together, but they still have some things to work out. More on that later. Nothing new to report this week about Kurt and Rachel in New York...

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Flashpoint: We Take Care of Our Own

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  November 10, 2012 @ 6:09pm

"Call it a humanitarian mission."

The most polished script of the series was found in the latest episode, "We Take Care of Our Own." It had the perfect timing of the upcoming Remembrance Day, and of the new Canadian twenty dollar bills coming out.

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