Review: Cosmopolis

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  June 8, 2012 @ 11:19am

I want to start with this: I usually love the work of David Cronenberg.

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Trailer Review: Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  June 7, 2012 @ 12:56pm

When his newest, Django Unchained hits theaters this Christmas, it will have been three years since the words "Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino" graced cinema screens. Each one of his films is so unique; spanning so many genres- that every new film's release becomes an event.

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Girls: Weirdos Need Girlfriends Too

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  June 4, 2012 @ 4:25pm

"I've never been this miserable in my life."

Marnie was still taking her break-up really badly, especially after she found out that her ex had now gone on vacation with the new girlfriend.

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Top Fives: Box Office Bombs (That Were Actually AWESOME)

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  June 2, 2012 @ 5:54pm

In the old days, news papers used to print something called the "Crix Picks", similar to what Rotten Tomatoes does. But when the blockbuster movie was born in the 1970's, everything changed. They ditched the "Crix" and started printing the Box Office Top 10, as is the standard today.

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Album Review: Pistol George Warren - Mindemoya

Posted by: Matt Moskal  •  May 31, 2012 @ 8:00am

When a stranger brags, "I'm in a rock band," you can imagine their sound. Self-proclaimed rockers haven't had much allure this decade. They've become the excitable inappropriate uncles of the music industry. Sudbury, Ontario's Pistol George Warren are not rockers. But they have walked a mile in their shoes.

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Girls: Welcome to Bushwick (aka The Crackcident)

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  May 28, 2012 @ 2:18am

"This happened in two weeks?"

Girls returned to its regular New York setting this week, now that Hannah had come back from Michigan.

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TV Rants & Raves: Game of Thrones VS. The Wire - "The King Stay The King"

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  May 27, 2012 @ 3:15pm

I've heard many people say things like "Game of Thrones is the cooler/ better/ non-lame/ whatever version of Lord of the Rings." Their slightly inarticulate implication being that Thrones is a vastly superior take on the old medieval fantasy genre. I totally agree. But really, it is so much more than that.

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Glee: Goodbye

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  May 27, 2012 @ 10:35am

Like any difficult goodbye, the final episode of Glee's Season 3, seemed like there wasn't enough time for everything to be said. Before we knew it everyone was in their cap and gown and tears were flowing.

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Modern Family: Baby on Board

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  May 24, 2012 @ 10:18pm

"Next time, let's do it at our place."

"Baby On Board" was the last episode of the third season.

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Trailer Review: Skyfall Teaser

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  May 23, 2012 @ 2:58pm

I've been waiting four long years to hear that iconic MGM lion let out another fierce roar. Four long years to see martinis drank as villains monologue their plans for world domination. Four long years to see Britain's top secret agent renew his license to kill.

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