Album Review: Myq Kaplan - No Kidding

Posted by: Alex Mutchesen  •  March 15, 2017 @ 2:30am

Confession time! I have never listened to any of Myq Kaplan's previous albums. I have heard of him, but had never sat down and listened to an album or watched any of his specials.

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Supernatural: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  March 9, 2017 @ 11:44pm

Every hell hound has its day.

Fresh off of a hunt and just getting back to the bunker, Sam gets a text message about a new case in Nebraska. Dean is curious about how Sam has something new so quickly but Sam brushes him off and tells him it's a new algorithm that he's developed to track incoming cases.

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Something Wiki This Way Comes Ep. 16: How to Be the Ultimate Jackass Fan

Posted by: Jesse Bergen  •  March 8, 2017 @ 5:58pm

We're back with one of the first episodes we'd ever recored, and that means Luke Cecelon's on board with all of his insights, and -- LOOK OUT FOR THAT PLATTER OF TACOS!!! Ha ha, just jokin'!

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Supernatural: The Raid

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  March 2, 2017 @ 10:48pm

It's James Bond meets Assault on Precinct 13 in the week's episode, The Raid.

After Mary told her Sam and Dean that she had been working with the British Men of Letters and lying to them, you might say there was a bit of tension in the bunker. The Winchester brothers have dealt with quite a bit from the brits but there mother lying to them was the last straw.

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Supernatural: Family Feud

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  February 23, 2017 @ 11:43pm

Hey, teachers! Leave them kids alone.

After a teacher is found dead with his tongue ripped out and his organs crushed, the Winchesters have their latest case in Des Moines, Iowa. They ask Mary if she's up for taking a case with them but she's been busy killing demons with Mr. Ketch of the British Men of Letters.

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Something Wiki This Way Comes Ep. 15: How to Find Out Who is Sending You Valentine's Cards

Posted by: Jesse Bergen  •  February 13, 2017 @ 2:48pm

Is it just us or is it about to get steamy in here? That's right, it's Jesse Bergen and Thomas Toles, the original Love Gurus. They're here to teach you about how to track down that mysterious admirer who's been leaving you anonymous Valentine's cards all these years.

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Supernatural: Regarding Dean

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  February 9, 2017 @ 11:25pm

When Dean gets hit with a magic spell that erases memory, Sam has to save his brother before there is nothing left.

After waking up in a forest with no idea how he got there, Dean manages to call Sam and have him meet him for waffles at the nearby diner. It's there that he sees a girl that he has no recollection of from last night and promptly gets a slap in the face.

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Something Wiki This Way Comes Ep. 14: How to Do a Round Off in Gymnastics

Posted by: Jesse Bergen  •  February 4, 2017 @ 11:07am

Oh boy, have we got a wild one for you! Jesse Bergen and Thomas Toles are joined by a whopping FIVE guests this time around.

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Supernatural: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  February 3, 2017 @ 12:29am

When an angel in his former battalion cries out for help, Castiel must find out who's responsible and stop them before they come for him.

While there is still no word on the whereabouts of Kelly Kline, Dean and Castiel aren't on the best of terms with one another at the moment.

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Supernatural: First Blood

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  January 26, 2017 @ 11:39pm

Sam and Dean learn the meaning of hard time in this week's episode of Supernatural.

The Winchesters just can't catch a break. After successfully saving the life of the president, Sam and Dean are hauled off to a secret underground prison where they appear to be the only inmates there. The feds want answers but neither of them is talking.

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