2019 Winnipeg Folk Festival Preview: What to expect, who to see, and a throwback to last year's fest

Posted by: Paul Little  •  July 11, 2019 @ 12:38am

Let's start with some honesty: the original version of this 2019 Winnipeg Folk Festival preview piece was almost complete when a couple accidental clicks of the mouse sent hours of work into the digital ether.

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Winnipeg Comedy Fest Interview: Stand-up comic Nick Nemeroff

Posted by: Paul Little  •  May 2, 2019 @ 12:34pm

Nick Nemeroff is a Montreal comic who has been a mainstay in the Toronto comedy scene for the past few years, winning Best Newcomer and Best Breakout Comic at the 2017 and 2018 I Heart Joke Awards. He's made appearances at Montreal's Just for Laughs and Comedy Central's Clusterfest, and his comedy has been described as "aggressively deadpan".

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Supernatural: Moriah

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  April 25, 2019 @ 9:27pm

The right thing isn't always easy; sometimes it's hard and ugly.

The plan to keep Jack in the box has failed miserably. Now free from its confines, Jack unleashes his power on Castiel and the Winchesters before taking off. Now that Jack has proven more dangerous than ever, Dean thinks the only solution is to put the monster down that killed his mother.

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Supernatural: Jack in the Box

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  April 22, 2019 @ 10:43pm

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

After the loss of Mary Winchester, the hunters gather to say their goodbyes but the time for grieving is short. With Jack still out there, Bobby refuses to sit around and plans on doing everything he can to track the Nephilim down. In his determination to save him, Castiel reaches out to heaven and meets with Duma.

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Supernatural: Absence

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  April 11, 2019 @ 9:50pm

A shell, incapable of holding life.

After arriving back at the bunker, Sam and Dean expected to see Jack and Mary but find themselves alone. When Dean calls Mary, him and Sam hear her phone in the room and know that something is wrong. They call Jack but he doesn't answer. They track his phone only to find him hopping across the planet from one continent to the next.

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Supernatural: Game Night

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  April 4, 2019 @ 10:50pm

No turning back.

While getting ready for game night at the bunker, Dean has an alarming voicemail from Donatello – begging for help before speaking a mysterious language. Dean and Mary rush to his home only to find Nick waiting for them. He has Donatello and injected him with a lethal dose of poison. If they want to find him they have to give him what he wants.

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Supernatural: Don't Go in the Woods

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  March 21, 2019 @ 11:30pm

If you hear a whistle, run.

After a girl is found dead in the woods in Iowa from a strange animal attack, Sam digs deeper and has found that several people have been found dead the in the same area across the past few decades. It's a case and one that will get him and Dean out of the bunker.

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Supernatural: Peace of Mind

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  March 14, 2019 @ 11:45pm

WWWD. What would the Winchesters do?

Still reeling from the loss of Maggie and the other hunters, Sam is running the tea ragged going from one hunt to the next. After he finds a new case where a man's head exploded inside of a gas station, Dean puts his foot down and insists that they need to slow down.

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Supernatural: Ouroboros

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  March 7, 2019 @ 10:42pm

It's all about Dean.

While tracking the strange killings of several people, the latest case has the Winchesters in New Mexico where they are once again too late to stop the monster. The gang notices that both of the victim's eyes have been removed – something that leaves all of them puzzles.

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Supernatural: Lebanon

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  February 7, 2019 @ 10:30pm

The walking dead.

Sam and Dean's latest case brings them into a music shop but the Winchesters are interested in some of the finer goods. After flashing some cash at the clerk, he takes them into the back to show them his rare occult relics that are for sale, except the boys know that he stole them from the hunter that he killed to get them.

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