Review: The Act of Killing

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  September 10, 2013 @ 8:09pm

In 1965, the Indonesian military over-threw their government, allowing small time gangsters like Anwar Congo to rise in society. He was promoted from scalping movie tickets to leading a death squad that helped the military kill more than a million people, many of whom were alleged communists.

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TV Rants & Raves - Larry David's Clear History

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  August 27, 2013 @ 6:32pm

When we first meet Nathan Flomm, he is sailing down a California highway in a luxury convertible, blasting Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4". Singing along, he bobs his head-- seemingly content with his life. Little does he know, he is mere hours away from ruining that very life.

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Review: Monsters Wanted

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  August 27, 2013 @ 10:23am

Turning fright into fortune can be a tricky task. The horror genre holiday window of Halloween is only open for a short period of time. Once its over people transition out their love for decorative corpses and make room for Kris Kringle and cookies.

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Album Review: Jim Norton - Please Be Offended

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  August 19, 2013 @ 7:45pm

As a comedian, Jim Norton (@JimNorton on Twitter) has never shied away from a precarious topic. He continually tackles subjects that many would find, to say the least touchy. Rape, pedophilia, racism, they're all here. And thus, his new release is appropriately titled, Please Be Offended. Many audiences surely will be.

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True Blood: Radioactive

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  August 19, 2013 @ 12:00am

Another summer, another season. Fans of the blood trusty sex romping supernatural series, that is True Blood, got their last taste of Sunday night scares tonight.

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True Blood: Life Matters

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  August 12, 2013 @ 10:55am

While everyone else was watching the return of Breaking Bad last night True Blood was starting to close up shop on another bloody season. In typical True Blood fashion the show finishes writing the final chapter of their season an episode early, as the majority of story arcs come to an end on this second last episode of the year.

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Trailer Review: THOR: The Dark World Trailer #1

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  August 7, 2013 @ 3:23pm

San Diego Comic Con might be done for another summer but that doesn't mean the geeking out has to end also. Oh no true believers, the geeking out is far from over. Today citizens of Midgard were graced with the first full new trailer for Thor: The Dark World, and all the nine realms rejoiced.

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The Walter White Five Stages of Breaking Bad

Posted by: S.P. Young  •  August 7, 2013 @ 12:40am

"I'm in the empire business."

If there is one thing that makes Breaking Bad so endearing, it is watching the downfall of Walter White. It is an incredible transition, defined by a man who is fighting back in the worst possible ways imaginable. The result is a man who over time goes from being sympathetic, to totally villainous and despicable.

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True Blood: Dead Meat

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  August 6, 2013 @ 3:17pm

This past Sunday was all kinds of crazy. Only one death (which was a little surprising considering the title of the episode) however, it seems like the entire cast of characters all pulled a 180 in their respective story-lines.

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True Blood: In the Evening

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  July 30, 2013 @ 5:45pm

Winding up to the season finale True Blood is dwindling down its cast. With seven of ten episodes down the show aims for a dramatic end to the season where few characters are safe.

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