What's On Tonight? - Thursday, December 30

Posted by: Ariana  •  December 30, 2010 @ 12:40pm

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV (all times Eastern/Pacific).

There's basically going on tonight, but TLC does have a Wreck Chasers marathon on, if that suits your fancy...

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What's On Tonight? - Wednesday, December 29

Posted by: Ariana  •  December 29, 2010 @ 11:30am

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV (all times Eastern/Pacific).

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Walkey Talk: Portman Comes of Age... Sort of.

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  December 28, 2010 @ 6:06pm

The child actor is a pretty sweet gig, let's face it. You get paid lots of money to play make believe. It certainly beats flipping burgers. But making the transition from young adolescent to adult is where the real challenge lies. It's difficult for young actors to be taken seriously in mature roles when the public is used to seeing them in children's fluff.

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Review: Casino Jack

Posted by: Diana Prano  •  December 28, 2010 @ 2:23pm

If you don't know what a lobbyist does, you will know after seeing Casino Jack. Inspired by the true story of disgraced power-lobbyist Jack Abramoff (Kevin Spacey) and his arrogant co-hort Michael Scanlon (Barry Pepper), you will understand far more than you'll ever want to know about the slimy, dodgy world of "K Street".

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What's On Tonight? - Tuesday, December 28

Posted by: Ariana  •  December 28, 2010 @ 9:20am

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV (all times Eastern/Pacific).


9:00 PM
CBS The 33rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors
(The Canadian in me cringes at these spellings.)

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TV on DVD Releases: December 28, 2010

Posted by: Lawrence Lee  •  December 27, 2010 @ 8:14pm

TV on DVD Releases for December 28, 2010