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Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
7:00 PM
CITY Hell's Kitchen
8:00 PM
NBC Losing It with Jillian
After an amazing opening weekend, the 2010 TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival continued on throughout the week and closing weekend with a series of concerts from great performers and, generally, just a lot of fun!
The big screen releases of The A Team and The Karate Kid has everyone all giddy for 1980s nostalgia. Critics always get upset over studios' unapologetic insistence of remaking classic films, and with good reason. Nothing screams cash grab more than a remake. Aside from dating myself, remaking the 1984 film The Karate Kid has other personal effects on me.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
Bachelorette day! It just keeps getting better...
The second season of Breaking Bad makes it obvious through the writing that the producers of the series have done their research in the matters that define the series. The end result is a truly remarkable show, that is able to appeal to a wide range of audience.
The world of entertainment can be a crazy and complicated affair. Topic after topic, discussion after discussion. With so much information out there these days, how do you know who to trust? Who's got the inside track? Whose opinion is the right one? That is where I come into play.
Like all the episodes, "Have You Ever Had A One Night Stand" starts with Charlotte at the dating service, sitting opposite of Andrew, asking her a question. The intent of Andrew's character is supposed to be for him to add a flamboyant humour to the show. He succeeds at being flamboyant in every way possible, but comes off as more annoying than anything else.
Despite a rough day at work and a line that stretched into the theater parking lot, I felt practically giddy as I waited to see Monday night's screening of Cyrus. At last a break from the formulaic Hollywood drivel I normally review! For some time the indie scene has been abuzz with talk of the "mumblecore" movement and the Duplass Brothers in particular.
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