With apologies to Paul and anybody who reads these summaries/reviews, I submit this double-recap. You know, it's just been busy LAUNCHING MY NEW BOOK and I haven't had time to write them. So, to catch up I'm going to have a bit of a discussion recap, rather than a review, because I'm still trying to figure out what's going on and how it's all going to end.
Will this season ever have a bad episode?!? Each time something happens that makes it seem the next episode is going to lose some momentum, something crazy happens, and this week was no exception. Were the previews from last week right? Could JT be as stupid as it seemed? Would Russell continue to control Heroes vs.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV.
The Top 9 (again) will delight us with Elvis Presley songs tonight, guided by dear Adam Lambert. This is the one time in my life I'm thankful for Glee, because its return means that the performance episode can only be 90 minutes long. PRAISE BE.
Adam, unsurprisingly, wants to be honest but constructive.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
7:00 PM
CTV Lost
8:00 PM
NBC / CITY The Biggest Loser<
Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV.
So the news just hit this morning, on the day he and his crew begin their 2-month "Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television" tour: Conan O'Brien will have a late night show on TBS beginning in November.
Last April, I was gearing up for the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. As a giant comedy nerd, any chance to see some of my favourites perform without me having to leave my hometown is a great thing.
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