Fringe: Making Angels

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  February 4, 2012 @ 2:53pm

Well it only took 4 seasons but the oh so lovable Jasika Nicole finally gets her due on Fringe with her own Astro episode.

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The Vampire Diaries: Bringing Out the Dead

Posted by: Kyle Tetarenko  •  February 4, 2012 @ 1:22am

When Klaus was moments away from getting his family back, Damon only had time to choose one coffin to take.

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Alcatraz: Cal Sweeney

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  February 1, 2012 @ 11:51am

Meet a nice girl at the local supermarket, take her to dinner, send her flowers, and then visit her work with a small sedative and a captive bolt pistol to show her you care.

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Fringe: Forced Perspective

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  January 29, 2012 @ 9:21pm

Mysterious bald people with abnormal abilities? Check. Characters sometimes submerged in water to focus their minds? Check. Precogs able to predict deaths before they happen? Check. Tom Cruise using a jetpack? Umm nope.

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Oscar Talk: What Y'all Complainin' Bout?

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  January 28, 2012 @ 6:31am

The blogosphere runs amok every time a pop culture event hits, big or small, allowing people to debate the pros and cons of anything and everything. This week's Oscar nominations are no different: an event tailor made for master debaters of pop culture.

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Review: Carnage

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  January 26, 2012 @ 9:56am

One morning during a school yard disagreement, a kid named Zachary hits a kid named Ethan in the face with a stick, cutting his lip and breaking two of his teeth ("...and causing nerve damage to the right incisor," his Mother will curtly point out).

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Alcatraz: Kit Nelson

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  January 25, 2012 @ 9:10pm

After a strong opening premiere night last week Alcatraz returns with a little less excitement for it's third episode. That's not to say this week's episode didn't have its fair share of mystery.

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Fringe: Enemy of My Enemy

Posted by: Andrew Burns  •  January 25, 2012 @ 2:37pm

Its an expression used when those at war with each other yet share a common threat. Setting aside their differences or conflict and joining together to stop a mutual adversary.

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2012 Oscar nominations: Hollywood looks back in time as Hugo and The Artist lead the way

Posted by: Paul Little  •  January 24, 2012 @ 9:20am

With just over a month until the 84th Academy Awards -- which take place on Sunday, February 26th -- the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (via Academy President Tom Sherak and Oscar-nominated actress Jennifer Lawrence) announced this year's Oscar nominations early this morning.

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(Not Quite All) The Most Anticipated Films of 2012

Posted by: Tony Hinds  •  January 24, 2012 @ 8:03am

The big idea was to feature some of the more highly-anticipated movies from the 2012 film slate -- of which there are many -- however, I'll admit: a couple clunkers still managed to sneak their way in. But overall, I feel like there is a little something for everybody on this list.

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